Shamanic Astrology Readings
Have you ever thought life would be a whole lot easier if it came with an instruction manual?
Well, it does!
Your natal chart is a map of the sky at the moment you were born. It is a blueprint that offers specific instructions for achieving your soul's intent for this lifetime.
We live in a time of unprecedented and accelerated change taking place on Earth. For many of us, what we know to be reality is falling apart and we are left feeling lost and confused, wondering who we are and what we are here to do.
The celestial bodies are archetypal teachers whose cycles take us through initiations, naturally unfolding our life purpose over time. As your Shamanic Astrologer, I provide in-depth analysis of your natal chart and transits, weaving together the themes of past, present, and future to give you an overview of your soul’s epic journey.
Receiving my first Shamanic Astrology reading in 2015 completely transformed my life. Instead of seeing myself through the very limited lens of my sun sign, I now had access to my whole self. A map of my life laid out in front of me, to help me understand and heal my past and gain the confidence to step into my future. I knew immediately that I wanted to learn this star language, so I could help others heal, transform, and realize their true selves. Now understanding anyone’s blueprint is simply a matter of applying what I know about the archetypes, elements, modalities, and functions. What is needed, what is desired, what drives a person, what they want to be valued for, how they want to experience life, what they have to contribute.
Let me be your guide as we collectively navigate this great Turning of the Ages!
My intention is to help you recognize your inherent gifts and strengths, release judgement about your past, make conscious soul-aligned choices for your future and cultivate greater compassion for yourself and others.
A reading with me can help you understand:
where you came from (Moon and South Node)
who you intend to become in this lifetime (Ascendant and North Node)
what resources you have to support your evolution (Sun, Mercury, Venus/Mars, Jupiter, and more)
how to develop a working relationship with your archetypal teachers so that you can consciously participate in your initiations as an empowered co-creator with the cosmos
"Shamanic Astrology™ is a full spectrum approach, presenting the vision and understanding that all archetypal approaches to being human are valid." ~ Daniel Giamario
For more information about the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm, including what makes it different from other forms of astrology, watch this video, read this article, and listen to this introduction to the Shamanic Astrology paradigm by founder, Daniel Giamario.

Important Note !
Currently, the days I have available for astrology sessions are Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays.
My schedule for astrology clients is only open during the Spring & Autumn seasons (the exact dates are flexible, but roughly Feb-May and then Sep-Oct). Summer & Winter are my seasons of slow. I will not be doing new charts or update readings during this time. Instead, I will focus on writing, creating art, and simply existing to replenish myself for the busier seasons. Some exceptions may be made for established clients on a case by case basis.
If you click one of the links below and it doesn't work, most likely it means that my schedule is currently closed for the season. Please fill out my contact form and let me know that you want to get on the waiting list for when my schedule opens again.
If you purchase a reading during my open season, please allow up to 72 hours for me to respond because I do not check email everyday. If there is no waiting list, it may take 2-4 weeks to schedule your reading, depending on my workload. This could be longer if there are others ahead of you on the waiting list. I will give you my best estimate of how long the wait will be, and if I am unable to accommodate you in a reasonable amount of time, you may request a refund.
Some day, astrology may become my full time job, but for now, it's still a side gig. And I love astrology too much to let it become another thing to hustle and stress about.
I appreciate your patience and understanding! 🙏💖✨

Synastry Reading
An exploration into relationship intent and dynamics between two people. Includes a look at current transits for both people and offers guidance on navigating relationship issues.
2 hour session
*discount available if one or both people has already had a full reading. Contact me for info.

Words of Gratitude
"Receiving a reading from Amy is like having a really great conversation with a friend. You know, the kind of conversation where you end up seeing things from new perspectives, where you walk away with some resources and where your intuitions are validated. In my relationship with my partner, I had some instincts that I was allowing to be second-guessed. After my reading, it felt so empowering to have these instincts validated! It increased my own self-loyalty, self-advocacy, boundary setting and communication with my partner and the last couple of weeks have seen positive growth between he and I." ~ Rachel
"Holy shit Amy!! I just finished listening to the Shamanic Astrology reading. I cried my way through the ancestry tale. So much of what you shared about who I was intrigued me - and that struggle between independence and "household" has been my life this lifetime. Over and over and over again.
Thank you. I'll savor listening to this again." ~ Scotty
"Amy did a shamanic astrology reading for my 8 year old daughter and a synastry reading for both of us together. I was amazed at her insight into my daughter's early childhood experiences and fascinated to hear how her life may play out as she grows into a woman. Her observations were very helpful and give me a lot to think about in how I continue to raise her. I found her thoughts about the both of us together to be very insightful as well. There was a statement after comparing our charts together where Amy reaffirmed my approach to parenting while integrating my own strengths and wounds. I am grateful for Amy's knowledge and skills in reading our charts." ~Vanessa
"I really enjoyed my Shamanic Astrology reading by Amy. Amy is extremely gifted and very knowledgeable. My reading was very insightful and gave me a lot wonderful things to think about. It was a beautiful way to check in and confirmed that I am traveling down the correct path. I look forward to having another reading in the near future." ~ Elizabeth