“Your vocation in life is where your greatest joy meets the world’s greatest need.”
~Frederick Buechner
My greatest joy is to walk this Earth while connected to Spirit, listening to a deeper current, dreaming into what could be. Magic is not something I do. It is what I am. It is a living experience. A constant waking journey. This gives me a well of inspiration I can tap into to spiritually nourish my people, and a source of bone deep wisdom to offer those who are experiencing spiritual awakening and embodied realization.

As a priestess of the Goddess, my job is to see the sacred patterning of nature and the cosmos, to understand how these patterns are mirrored within myself and other people, and view all of life with curiosity rather than judgment.
I’ve walked this path. I know the terrain. I’ve gone into the dark places and learned how to be at home there. Now I have a basket of medicine stories to help sustain you on the journey to your wild within.
I hope that working with me will inspire you to:
tune into the natural rhythms of your body, heart and mind, knowing that these are a mirror of the sacred timing of your life as it moves through the seasons of birth, death, and rebirth.
see the big picture, and understand that there are infinite potentials and that none of them are any better or worse than others.
engage in open-hearted conversations that illuminate a larger truth and activate transformation.
feel safe to take an honest look at who you are, where you are in your story, what energies are interacting in your life, and how to make changes if and how you choose.
Trust, love and show up as your whole, real self, even if you still have fear and doubt.
Embrace all parts of yourself: light, dark and everything in between, giving each one its own sacred seat on your inner council.

You are a fiery whirlwind of beautiful artistic energy. Being around you is intoxicating and inspiring! Your presence makes me a better artist!!! You are a light in a dark room. You are music in the awkward quiet. You are a breeze on a too-warm day. My love, you are motherfucking magic. ~Sayra
Current Offerings
Channeling cosmic shit is great, but how do you use that? Here. Now. In this reality.
That is the question that drives me.
I provide practical tools and services to help you stay in tune with your inner voice and understand the energetic forces that influence your reality, so you can participate with Great Mystery as a conscious co-creator. I'm here to be your spiritual midwife, helping you birth your true self into this world. Click the options below for more information about ways you can work with me.
Amy has been an amazing resource for all things magical and astrological. She's taught me so much about ceremony and how to create personal rituals to enhance my spiritual journey. ~ Melania