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Writer's pictureAmy Campbell Topham

Shamanic Astrology Graduation and Level One Certification

Updated: Aug 10, 2022

During the pandemic, I had the time and space to finally complete the requirements for my Shamanic Astrology certification, which included recording a number of practice sessions to submit to my mentor for feedback. The response from these initial sessions was so positive that many of the people I read charts for have returned for update readings and have referred their friends and family. This has allowed me to quietly grow my astrology clientele over the last two years.

On the recent New Moon in Pisces, I officially graduated and am now certified as a Level One Shamanic Astrologer. It took me a long time to get here. 7 years. One quarter of a Saturn cycle. Seems fitting that my maturation in this area would reflect the movement of the planet that squares my Rising sign and has been such a powerful teacher in my life.

During the graduation ceremony, when it came time to speak my vows, every word was so aligned with my deepest truth that I could feel the magic singing through my blood, awakening the ancient parts of me that have been dormant, waiting for this very moment to come alive.

"I, Amy Campbell Topham, commit to a life grounded on the foundation of As Above, So Below. As Within, So Without; a life with no separation between soul and spirit, between land and sky, between female and male, between body and mind, or between shadow and light; furthermore, I commit to a life of service, in facilitating the assistance of any sentient being desiring to be connected or reconnected to the magical link between earth and the heavens.

As a Shamanic Astrologer, my highest priority and deepest motivation is that of Love; and it is my Love of the magical connection between Land and Sky, of the celestial cycles and seasons, and Love of our Sacred Earth Mother, that animates my great privilege and joy in participating and co-creating with Great Mystery. I believe that this experience and commitment eliminates fear, separation, power over others, false classes and hierarchies, and other relationships not in accordance with Spirit. Lastly, I commit to participate in dreaming the dream onward."

Receiving my first Shamanic Astrology reading in 2015 completely transformed my life. Instead of seeing myself through the very limited lens of my sun sign, I now had access to my whole self. A map of my life laid out in front of me, to help me understand and heal my past and gain the confidence to step into my future. I knew immediately that I wanted to learn this star language, so I could help others heal, transform, and realize their true selves. Now understanding anyone’s blueprint is simply a matter of applying what I know about the archetypes, elements, modalities, and functions. What is needed, what is desired, what drives a person, what they want to be valued for, how they want to experience life, what they have to contribute.

It is my great privilege and pleasure to serve my community as a Shamanic Astrologer.

And....I love astrology too much to allow myself to get burnt out on it, so I will only be opening my schedule for new astrology clients during the Spring and Autumn* seasons. I work 2-5 days per week with my massage clients which means the time I have to tend to my astrology clients (which includes prep time) is limited. Currently, the days I have available for astrology sessions are Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays only. Saturdays may be available on a case by case basis if weekday sessions don't work for you. My list for Spring is almost full, but I might be able to squeeze one more in before Beltane. If you're interested, fill out my contact form.

Summer and Winter* will be seasons of slow. I will reserve time and energy to meet with established astrology clients for updates, but will not be doing new charts during this time. Instead, I will focus on writing, creating art, and simply existing to replenish myself for the busier seasons.

*My seasons are (roughly) as follows, but may be flexible. Check my Shamanic Astrology page to check when my schedule is open and get on the waiting list if it's during the off-season.

Winter: Samhain to Imbolc (Nov 1st to Feb 1st) Spring: Imbolc to Beltane (Feb 1st to May 1st)

Summer: Beltane to Lughnasadh (May 1st to Aug 1st)

Autumn: Lughnasadh to Samhain (Aug 1st to Nov 1st)

"Getting a Reading from Amy was informative, intuitive, and magical! The care and attention she put into it went way beyond what I expected. Her language is relatable and her energy is caring. " ~ EarthSong

"Receiving a reading from Amy is like having a really great conversation with a friend. You know, the kind of conversation where you end up seeing things from new perspectives, where you walk away with some resources and where your intuitions are validated.” ~ Rachel

"Holy shit Amy!! I just finished listening to the Shamanic Astrology reading. I cried my way through the ancestry tale. So much of what you shared about who I was intrigued me - and that struggle between independence and "household" has been my life this lifetime. Over and over and over again. Thank you. I'll savor listening to this again." ~ Scotty

"I really enjoyed my Shamanic Astrology reading by Amy. Amy is extremely gifted and very knowledgeable. My reading was very insightful and gave me a lot wonderful things to think about. It was a beautiful way to check in and confirmed that I am traveling down the correct path. I look forward to having another reading in the near future." ~ Elizabeth

Be wild & make your magic! 🧙‍♀️✨


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